Sanayi Ticaret Raporlama Müdürü
- Kayseri
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I am Sustainability Ambassador. I succesfully finished “Sustainability Ambassadors Traning Program” organized by the European Union Delegation to Turkey, Kayseri Chamber Of Commerce and EU Information Centers, in cooperation with SUGEP Academy and SSDN Turkey, on 11th – 23th October 2021. In addition, we participated in the project competition held in this organization with our “Life Cycle” group and our project named “Green Pathfinder” is a prominent project by receiving the First Prize.
Within the scope of Law No. 5174, it is to organize and approve the documents assigned by the General Secretary within the framework of the powers assigned by the Secretary General, to determine the experts who will take part in the examination and expertise procedures, to perform expertise and perform the works listed below.
Capacity Report Transactions (Document Editing, Certification, Change Transactions),
To Issue Appraisal Report / Water Requirement Document / Domestic Product Document / Actual Consumption Document / Actual Production Document / Fair Value Appraisal Report Manufacturing Competence Certificate / Manufacturing Certificate / Utility Model Use Certificate,
Investment Incentive Certificate Transactions (Document Issuance, Certification, Change, Time Extension, Closing Transactions),
Establishing Workplace opinions on Capacity Report / Domestic Goods Document / Investment Incentive System Legislation,
To carry out studies on Regional Investments, Regional Development, Sustainability, Strategic Planning, Creating an Industrial Strategy,
Fair Value, Fire Rate, Usage Amount, Settlement Rate etc. of Institutions and Enterprises. to respond to their requests,
Organizing seminars, webinars, etc. on the training of member organizations and unit staff,
As NACE specialist, to classify the companies according to their production types,
Investment Consultancy,
T. C. Consultancy on Government Supports, European Union Funds, Horizon 2020 etc. provided by the institutions,
Development Agency, Central Finance Contracts Unit, IKGPro, etc. to apply and manage projects to institutions,
Coordinator of R&D and Design Centers,
Efficiency Coordination Office Project Coordinator,
To cooperate with Public University Industry,
To carry out Vocational Training studies,
To contribute to the studies related to the concentration of investments in the region, to investigate encouraging measures and elements,
To attend meetings deemed appropriate by the Senior Management.
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