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Üyelik Tarihi: 29/07/2024
Profil sağlığı 100%

Product Designer

A mid-level product designer, with over
4 years of experience, skilled inbranding, product design, and no-code applications.

Collaborating with companies, startups, and individuals at various stages.



Devam Eden Projeler


Tamamlanmış Projeler


İptal Edilen Projeler

* Butona tıklayarak teklif gönderebilirsiniz.

İletişime Geç


My Next Match

  •  Product Designer
  •  Oca 2021 - Halen

My responsibilities encompassed designing and maintaining the following systems and tools:

Membership Management: Developed intuitive CRMs for clubs and federations of all sizes, enhancing engagement and administrative efficiency.

Sport Organisations: Developed dashboards for international, national, and regional federations, sport organizations, and clubs to streamline their operations.

End-to-End Tournament Management System: Created comprehensive management systems and draw brackets for combat sports.

Event Management System: Designed and maintained systems for managing individual and team sports events, such as obstacle course racing, ninja, and adventure races.

Community & Athlete Well-being: Built a community platform to enhance interaction and engagement among sports organizations and athletes.

Sport Health Tracking and Examination System: Developed a digital medical passport system to track and manage athletes' health and medical examinations.

Landing Pages with Framer: Created visually appealing and functional landing pages using Framer.

Visualizing Data for Decision-Making: Created impactful data visualizations to transform raw data into actionable insights for informed decision-making.



  •  Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi
  •  Oca 2016 - Haz 2024

Bilgisayar Mühendisliği