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Onur Oğuz
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Üyelik Tarihi: 28/02/2022
Profil sağlığı 100%



Director, Advertiser, Content Manager. Onur Oğuz was born in Ankara in 1996. He graduated from Samsun Milli Piyango Anatolian High School in 2014 and is still continuing his education at Istanbul Yıldız Technical University, Department of Communication Design, which get into university in 2018.

Oğuz, who started his professional career as a Director at Paspas Ajans, continued his directorial career at the music company PDND Music between 2019 and 2020. After achieving a successful graphic here, he continued his career as a Content Manager in Gourmeturca, one of the most successful global startups in Turkey.

Oğuz, who works as a Brand Manager as well as Director, worked as a Co-founder at Bedayz in 2019. Then, he brought many popular companies such as Wungen and Frameist to the market with the build–operate–transfer method. While he was advencing in his career with nearly 100 clips and commercial films he directed; He has worked with many celebrities such as İdo Tatlıses, Soner Sarıkabadayı, Zara, Şehinşah, Sefo, Elanur and continues to shoot successful clips.

Website: https://onnoshot.com


IG: https://instagram.com/onuuroguz


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