- Develop frontend and backends of web automation projects using ASP.NET CORE 5.0 MVC framework
- Research and development Elasticsearch. Create an appointment book project using Microsoft Identity.
National Water Works Co
- Contributed to the development of an ERP project for a Saudi Arabian company group using .Net Core, C#, and Blazor.
- Worked with Syncfusion, SqlServer (T-SQL), EntityFrameworkCore (ORM), and LinQ.
Akbank &
- Developed a project during a bootcamp using .NET Core Web API.
- Utilized SqlServer and PostreSql for database management.
- Implemented CQRS design pattern and Mediatr for improved application architecture.
- Leveraged EntityFrameworkCore, Automapper, and LinqKit for efficient data handling.
- Integrated JWT authentication for secure user access.
- Managed background jobs with Hangfire.
- Implemented logging using Serilog.
- Employed Redis for data caching and storage.