I decided to work here in order to have work experience during my university
years. I think it helped me a lot to increase my communication with people
Domestic Purchasing Specialist
I continued my first competent work experience, which I started as an intern
during my university years, by receiving a job offer from the same company. I
was removed from this workplace, which I believe contributed a lot to me, due
to the shrinkage of the company. When I was working in the internal purchasing
department, I was working in a department responsible for purchasing all stores
in Turkey.
I entered the company as a 6-month temporary employee, but my managers
offered me to move to staff because they were satisfied with me. I worked in
many areas such as pricing, order opening, processing of data into the system,
searching for alternative products. I had to work in two departments for 1 year
due to the lack of staff in the company; The other department where I worked
was customer service. During this period, I added a lot to myself and learned to
think in two directions from both purchasing and sales.
My company directed me to a different department in order to put career options
and added a section that did not exist before in Turkey. In the department I am
currently working in, I am analyzing forecast data, updating masterdata, daily raw
material controls and purchasing from time to time.
Since the name of our company has changed, I added it in parentheses; I continue
to work in the same company.