UI/UX Designer
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I am Mehmet Kolver. With over 2 years of experience in UI/UX design, I am a seasoned professional in the field. In addition to user-centric designs, I specialize in mobile app and website development. Leveraging my background in iOS development, I seamlessly integrate design and development to deliver effective solutions.
I am eager to collaborate on projects where we can make a difference. Below are some of the projects I have been involved in:
thinkSuite Mobile App V2
thinkSuite Website V2
YapıSoft CRM
Babel Customer Panel
I look forward to exploring opportunities to work together on projects of mutual interest. Feel free to reach out to me via LinkedIn or email.
Thank you, and let’s stay connected!
Dribble: https://dribbble.com/mehmetkolver
Behance: https://www.behance.net/mehmetkolver
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