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Üyelik Tarihi: 02/06/2023
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Yönetim Danışmanı

Başta Danışmanlık olmak üzere; Enerji, Üretim, Tüketim Ürünleri, Telekomünikasyon, Medya ve Finansal Hizmetler sektörlerinde 25 yıllık iş deneyimine sahibim.

Kariyerim boyunca hem kuruluşlara yönetim danışmanlığı hizmeti verdim; hem de doğrudan kurumlar bünyesinde çalışarak kendilerine dikkate değer finansal ve operasyonel katkılar sağladım.

İş hayatıma yönetim danışmanı olarak Arthur Andersen’de başladım; Türkiye’nin lider GSM operatörlerinden Aria ve Avea’da Proje Ofis ve Kalite Yöneticisi, Yıldız Holding’te Strateji ve Planlama Müdürü, EY Türkiye’de Danışmanlık Bölüm Yöneticisi, Sabancı Holding’in iştiraki Enerjisa’da İş Mükemmelliği ile Süreç Geliştirme Bölümleri Yöneticiliği ve CEO Danışmanlığı rollerini üstlendim.

Stratejik Planlama, Proje ve Program Yönetimi, Operasyonel Mükemmellik ve Süreç Yönetimi konularında ulusal ve uluslararası kongreler ve akademik platformlarda konuşmacı olarak yer aldım.


Devam Eden Projeler


Tamamlanmış Projeler


İptal Edilen Projeler

* Butona tıklayarak teklif gönderebilirsiniz.

İletişime Geç

Hazırlanmış Projeler

Vizyon, misyon ve stratejilerin oluşturulması, Kuruluş Süreç Modeli’nin yapılandırılması ve süreç yönetimi eğitimlerinin verilmesi


Süreçlerin ve risklerin analizi, Rol ve sorumlulukların tanımlanması, Organizasyonun yapılandırılması, KPI.ların ve performans hedeflerinin belirlenmesi


Kurumsal Performans Yönetimi yaklaşımının ve Kuruluş Karnesi’nin oluşturulması, Proje Yönetim Ofisi’nin yapılandırılması ve Proje Yönetimi standartlarının geliştirilmesi


Kurumsal müşteriler (B2B) için ihtiyaç bazlı segmentasyon yapılması, Pazar payını artırmak üzere son tüketicilere (B2C) yönelik hizmet paketi geliştirilmesi


İnovasyon stratejisi ve yol haritasının oluşturulması, İnovasyon fikirlerinin geliştirilmesi,seçilmesi, test edilmesi ve fonlanması


Grup bünyesindeki 22 şirket için 5 yıllık Stratejik Planların oluşturulması


Kalite Yönetimi politika ve prosedürlerinin oluşturulması, ISO 9001 ve 10002 eğitimlerinin verilmesi, belgelendirme çalışmalarının yürütülmesi



Kurucu ve Yönetim Danışmanı

  •  Core Elements Danışmanlık Hizmetleri
  •  Haz 2022 - Halen

As an entrepreneur, built his own consulting business and delivered custom solutions to clients considering fundamental business dimensions such as Strategy, Process, Technology and People.

Developed effective strategies, corporate performance, organization & culture via mindful analysis and design of operating models, workflows, roles, OKRs/KPIs and risks for various clients in the portfolio.

İş Mükemmelliği Lideri ve CEO Danışmanı

  •  Enerjisa
  •  Kas 2010 - Oca 2020

Successfully designed and implemented operating models & excellence frameworks which enabled 100 times growth of revenues and headcount in 10 years. Got two promotions during his Enerjisa career.

Conducted marketing and sales projects as part of a cross-functional team: (1) Needs Based Segmentation of B2B Customers and (2) Solution Pack for B2C Customers.

Used EFQM’s Excellence Model and conducted organizational & operational assessments as well as quality & process audits; successfully certified 6 group companies in a row regarding ISO standards.

Planned and supervised 150+ improvement projects and initiatives across its core businesses.

Designed company’s Process Model covering 76 cross-functional processes and working as the backbone of effective governance.

Completed in-depth maturity assessment of enterprise-wide project management practices.

Delivered “Innovation Roadmap”, which has turned into new products & services, partnerships and revenue lines. Mentored internal innovation teams to test and scale their business ideas.

Contributed to assessments regarding digital transformation opportunities across the business units.

Prepared and delivered first Sustainability Report of Enerjisa by co-leading firm's Sustainability Team.

Danışmanlık Bölüm Müdürü

  •  EY
  •  Ağu 2007 - Ara 2009

Helped clients achieve their strategies by improving business performance in core areas of Corporate Transformation, Finance & Supply Chain.

Actively contributed to business development and key accounts management activities.

Radically improved financial reporting performance of an international telecom operator and a multinational consumer products company.

Developed a Strategic Action Plan to restructure a major Holding Company in Turkey.

Strateji ve Planlama Müdürü

  •  Ülker
  •  Eyl 2006 - Nis 2007

Built the Strategy Function and developed corporate & transformation strategies for 22 group companies collaborating with manufacturing, supply chain, marketing and sales functions (incl. business partners at distribution channels such as retail chains, wholesalers and distributors).

Successfully implemented market & competitor reviews, sales and distribution channels analyses, portfolio management studies, financial analyses and projections.

Planned and executed a Strategy and Business Plan development project for the logistics service provider of the Group (Netlog), became a leading player in the market afterwards.

Actively contributed to market analysis, strategy and business development studies for olive oil business in Turkey and in the region, helped creation of a successful business line.

Proje Ofis ve Kalite Yöneticisi

  •  Aria & Avea
  •  Eki 2002 - Ağu 2006

Set up the Project Management (PM) Office and developed PM standards & tools.

Tracked and reported critical corporate projects to the CEO, defined key cross-functional processes.

Designed and delivered first Reporting Pack of key performance indicators.

Structured Quality Management fundamentals, set up and trained process teams across the company.

Coordinated a corporate project targeted at identifying and managing financial & operational risks and led Business Continuity Plan studies as part of a cross-functional team.

Successfully completed ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) Compliance studies with IFC (international Finance Corporation) regarding a billion dollars financing project.

Collaborated with HR Team in various initiatives such as job analysis, employee satisfaction survey design and suggestion system development.

Yönetim Danışmanı ve Proje Yöneticisi

  •  Arthur Andersen
  •  Eyl 1997 - Eyl 2002

Successfully developed corporate strategies of a leading financial conglomerate and redesigned its front and back office organization in line with market and company analyses.

Conducted global benchmarks and articulated new “Content and Digital Strategies” of a national media company as part of a re-engineering project.

Planned and implemented a strategic Market Research project; the research report provided reliable data for advertising expenditures in Turkey for the first time.

Delivered a local CRM solution and supported business development studies after a detailed CRM Market review.

Coordinated pricing studies of a major food company prior to software implementation (Oracle).

Conducted a good deal of sector/company analyses and business development activities in telecommunications, financial services, media, consumer products, pharma and automotive industries.



  •  ODTÜ
  •  Eyl 1993 - Tem 1997

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